How to be sucked as a beginner!

Jake Aiman
5 min readJan 28, 2021


It’s always gonna suck because you can always do better.

I think it’s natural that when you want to start doing something, you’d be worried about how things will turn out to be. It’s normal to feel scared of the future, that’s fine, but what’s not fine is running the opposite of your goals without giving yourself a chance to try. You know, if you resist trying your chance of failure is 100%, but if you give it go, your chance of success is 51%, and being failed has been instantly opted-out because you have succeeded to not give a damn about failure.

To be sucked less

But anyhow, success is built upon several failures. Success isn’t a perfectly smooth, flawless journey. It has to suck a few times before you find your taste or style.

And no, your goal isn’t to be perfect, not to create something perfect. Your goal has to be: create something that has meaning and give values. Just that.

Only focus at one block, one at a time

You know I am currently addicted to this game: 2048. There are many versions of this game you can find on the internet. Anyway, I’ve been playing this game for hours even when I was watching Korean dramas.

2048 — an addictive game

My top score is 16384. For those who haven’t played this game, the game is based on basic mathematics. The even-numbered blocks will be dropped at random between 2–128, then you just put on a matching number then it’ll be added, the game continues at a faster speed and when you reach the top margin, it’s game over.

This game is giving me an insight into my blogging journey or, you could say my writing journey — maybe life generally. Each block dropped at a random number, sure, you could buy the preview tab to see what number come beforehand, but what’s the fun in doing that?

Because in the end, everything will fall into their places.

So while I was playing this 2048, I thought “this is like life. These block towers may look random and messy, but once one block connects correctly, another block will follow and it seems like I plan the fall, but I don’t even know what I’m doing. I only focus at one block, one at a time — the one that’s dropping”.

My point is when you wish to get on an adventure to start blogging like me or you want to start a business or you want to learn how to play an instrument or start doing handcrafting, you should focus on your initial position and take one step instead of worrying about the next four hundred steps ahead. You just need to plan on five to ten steps ahead, then go from ten to twenty, then from twenty to thirty.

As a baby grows, she never thinks about what could happen in the next five years just as soon as she was born. She just worries about one thing at the moment. Well, now I thought about it, this may not a good example, but I think you get it now. You shouldn’t have to be worried about being sucked when you just started. You’re supposed to be sucked as a beginner! That’s it!

To be successful you must be willing to sacrifice

One of my 30-days blogging challenge so-called “side-rules” is that I decided to have an interval between writing and posting; I focus on writing for one day, then posting the blog post on another day. The reason why I do this is because I know myself well; that I won’t be able to write more than 1000 words every day. I may not be capable to do what some blogger/writer could but that’s okay. I am my person, and you are your person. And If you wish to do something, take a lesson from other people, then try to mold your style.

When I found this 30-days blogging challenge, I found tons of thing about the challenge, but I knew it already that if I tried to follow a list of challenges that I know it won’t work for me, what’s the point of trying the thing that I know it works?

My point is there are no solid rules on how you can be successful in something. This is what GaryVee said a thousand times. There are no specific ways on how doing a thing because everyone is born and raised in many different ways. What works for me might not work for you, but one golden rule to be successful is you have to have the will to put on the works and realize that there also sacrifices you need to choose. It’s nothing superstitious.

For example, I have to choose between hanging out with friends or watching a drama, or sit on my desk and focus on writing. That is what you called to make a sacrifice. Because when chooses to be successful, there’s some invoice, you must be willing to pay, to substitute your old invaluable habits into a useful habit that will lead you to the goals you have decided to achieve.

How to be sucked as a beginner:

  1. Just do. Just create. Focus on creating meaningful works that give value
  2. Focus on the first ten steps.
  3. Sacrifice invaluable habits into useful, productive actions
  4. Be willing to change

