Keep living even if you don’t feel like it.

Jake Aiman
5 min readFeb 1, 2021


I thought to write is actually to read books, only. But do you know? — To be a writer is to be living your life. But how many books can I read in a month? Two or three? Nah, one is impossible already, at least for now. I know there’s a lot of apps that simplify a book and I know there are many ways to consume knowledge, but there are some differences you can find from reading a book page to page.

Although I read digital books, I know that papered books are the best; they reduce eyesight problems, boost quality reading, and the most appreciated features for those with monkey mind, is it reduces distractions from 18 shopping apps, 11 game apps, 6 social media apps and 16 tabs on a browser.

Photo by Russ Ward on Unsplash

But then how to write if I don’t read books? — Man, I was wrong! You can write about that Korean drama that you refuse to watch because you wanted to wait for the next week’s episodes to come out so you can have a happy ending (at last), instead of being sad with this week’s episodes that would break your paper and plastic hearts. You can write about the trip you went with your friends, about that tiny garden you’re attempting (and struggling, too), you can write a summary of the YouTube video you’ve watched. You got it; you can write about anything.

However, the magic of writing doesn’t come from an external force, the external force only acts like a spark and your physical senses act like apertures of a camera and then bring the ‘vision’ into your brain and move your heart. Your heart is the honest force that does an incredible job that makes you take action. This is not exceptional for writing only, this magical event also takes place in every inspiring action that a person could ever do. It takes determination to work on something.

The grit, determination shall bring you through and further.

Writing a piece requires your willingness, more often determination. Willingness only there at the beginning, the courageous determination shall bring you through and further.

Reading helps you to write. You read to perceive knowledge through comprehension of good reads and going out on adventure allow you to perceive the emotions and physical works; both knowledge and experience will make you a good writer and good storyteller — I suggest you read A Gentleman in Moscow!

There’s no secret to success, but hard work.

I think when we said ‘hard work’ it should be subtly included ‘work smart’; what’s the point of working hard if you’re working on pointless nonsense? Why work at all? Why don’t you just sleep? — Please hear my sarcastic voice. Just imagine if you make money from trading stock, it takes at least two years to learn the market and another two years to get a firm grip on your knowledge by gaining experience — and within the experience catalog, you need to remember that: failure is included.

I mean, it’s already been said by Albert Einstein, “Show me a person who never makes mistakes, I’ll show you a person who never done anything.” And he said, ‘done anything’ without a context ‘successfully’, because eventually if you take lessons from your mistakes, you will be successful.

Throughout our lives, many ways can break us emotionally, but no matter how hard the situations could be, we must muster up our courage to keep on living every day. I know it’s hard. Honestly, the first few paragraphs of this post I wrote them with all the great feelings I have but, on this paragraph, I am struggling, things quite messy right now — a water leak in my house from the upper floor and my money hasn’t come through yet, I need to buy groceries, my cat food almost finish, my food is running out. But then, this is life and life goes on.

You got to do it first, then motivation will follow. And if doesn’t come after you tried, maybe you need food or sleep — have a rest before you continue.

Covid-19 and hard times

Have gratitude, be grateful.

The best factor I had in my life is my parents, and I had never gone farther away from home than I ever been since I got into my med school, and I have never been this long away from home since the COVID-19 pandemic strike, most of us are having this like me. It is unfortunate in some ways, but on the bright side, it becomes such a blissful blessing experience for most of us as well, not just me. I believe some of us lost the person we loved, but they are many people who found love in unexpected ways during this rough time.

Let me share with you a verse or two from the holy Quran that could calm your uneasiness:

(… And whoever is mindful of Allah, He will make a way out for them,…and provide for them from sources they could never imagine. And whoever puts their trust in Allah, then He ˹alone˺ is sufficient for them. Certainly, Allah achieves His Will. Allah has already set a destiny for everything.) — At-Talaq 65:2–3

A year after the pandemic took place, we are in doubt if the vaccine that has been introduced for public use would keep the people safe from the virus. Within those doubts, we still able to find hope and faiths.

So while you try to live your life and manage the risks to achieve your dreams and goals, you will face boulders and barriers, but never let challenges stop you from fighting your battle. Stop complaining and be grateful. Do something about your life and keep on living!

