Restart With Doing — How to get motivated

Jake Aiman
5 min readJan 26, 2021


Today is the first day of 2021 that I started to write again. When was it the last time I wrote anything? — December?

I was having a hard time writing, I’m not sure if this is what is called writer’s block, but I feel deep inside my heart is kind of a heavy dense feeling that hold me back from writing. I’m scared of failing; but then I doubt that I even know where I want to be. I just want to share my stories and I hope that I could connect with people who feel the same.

Honestly, it is not easy to keep writing, like Stephen King once said, “Writing is a lonely job. Having someone who believes in you makes a lot of difference. They don’t have to makes speeches. Just believing is usually enough.” I think my mom supports me in writing things here and there, but getting all the supports makes me nervous. Picking up my gut to begin is the hardest, but if I stay inanimate, and resisting myself from doing something about this see-saw thought between ‘wanting to write’ and ‘being scared to write’; I know the answer very well — it is that regret is worse than failing. Because in failing I still gain some winning points, but if I give up on trying I’ll be a coward.

Picking up my gut to begin is the hardest, but if I stay inanimate, and resisting myself from doing something about this see-saw thought between ‘wanting to write’ and ‘being scared to write’; I know the answer very well — it is that regret is worse than failing.

This is my first day of the 30-days blogging challenge. I hope I am doing the right thing. It’s not like I’m repairing a broken car, the car was fine but I’m too scared to be behind the wheel. But now, I am driving at 40 kilometres per hour. I am slowly taking steps. This year I am in a 4th-year medical course, I surely need to make time to write as an experimental blogger, I usually write about my small personal experience.

Since it’s a 2-week holiday, I recently resolved to write more and made a spreadsheet of what I need to do.

30-days blogging challenge

It’s just a simple 3-rules challenge.

1. Write for ___ (hours/words) per day

2. Publish ___ posts/videos per week

3. If you miss a day, pick up where you left off. (Don’t make up for lost days)

I put the [1 hour 30 minutes work, then study!] , because I can be distracted while doing anything easily. So I have to make sure that I finished doing writing a post at one sitting within 1 hour and 30 minutes. But I don’t know, it’s my first day of this challenge.

Other than making following those 3 rules, I am using this Pomodoro app timer to keep on track. One hour and a half is not a long period, but it’ll act as a fulcrum that ejects some adrenaline and help me to brainstorm on what topic I should write for a blog post.

Pomodoro Timer

This Pomodoro timer by AppFX has a minimal design, purposefully made only to time 25-minutes sessions with 5-minutes and 15-minutes break; just that, nothing else. No complicated thing that requires a login or other unnecessary setting.

Restart With Doing

You know that I have trouble to keep doing one thing for a long time, I watched a few videos of GaryVee on Instagram and I figured that everyone has the same problem and it clarifies a few things; it takes a firm grit to be successful, you need to put the work and you must have the willingness to start doing instead of screaming in the silence of your heavy feeling and keep wanting to do something without doing anything. The first and foremost thing to be a success is to start with doing.

I put ‘Restart With Doing’ because I am restarting to be focused on blogging. And the word ‘Start’ reminds me of a famous book by Simon Sinek. The book was introduced to me by an alumna from my high school. I haven’t finished reading it, but you’d like to know more you know where to find it. (ahem, you know that thing called ‘google’.)

So why am I so desperate to be doing this writing and blogging? Why don’t I just focus on med school and graduate and be a good doctor? Why do I have to be busy trying to figure out what I could do by writing?

Because I find wonders in touching people’s hearts through arranged words. It’s like a puzzle and you never understand how this world of writing could be so magical that I could fool people or shout loud my truth without being so scared. I write to be brave. And to have deep connections.

So I can tell you how you can get motivated, but first, you have to start doing. I have no idea why you want to get motivated but I’m glad to tell you that whatever you have in mind right now that you think it will make you feel happy and be successful in life, go do it. Do it now. Don’t wait for tomorrow to start. Just take ONE hour of now, figure that one thing you’ve pushing back for months or years. Then see where the road will bring you. And if you did it for one hour of today, try to pick it up again for one hour tomorrow. Keep doing that for 30 days and try double the hour and continue doing them.

Anyhow, I hope you’ll figure out what you want to do and why you want to do it. With those solid reasons, you’ll find the grit to keep going. Now, go!

